Entries Tagged 'The View from Mudsock Heights'

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Hi-Fi in the Modern Age

By Dennis E. Powell | Apr 19, 2023 at 9:57 PM

Time was, and it’s well within living memory, that the nicest thing you could say about an audio amplifier as found in a high-fidelity system or “stereo,” was that it was “a piece of wire.”

Stark Thoughts on Vaccines and Treatments

By Dennis E. Powell | Apr 12, 2023 at 10:40 PM

The headline last week would have been hopeful news indeed, if we hadn’t been here so many times before. “Cancer and heart disease vaccines ‘ready by end of the decade’” was the story in The Guardian.

Up the Amazon Without a Paddle

By Dennis E. Powell | Apr 05, 2023 at 10:33 PM

Photography was nothing new to me. I took my first published news picture when I was in third grade, and was getting regularly published by the time I turned 13, the year I started winning photography awards. This isn’t to brag — most people were shooting their Instamatics, while I had been given a Yashica A twin-lens camera for Christmas when I was eight years old. So I had some experience.


By Dennis E. Powell | Mar 29, 2023 at 10:07 PM

This is written as, on the other side of the wall, the generator is roaring away. Fortunately the wall is thick enough and well enough insulated that the sound is not as irritating as you’d expect.

Time and Again

By Dennis E. Powell | Mar 22, 2023 at 10:52 PM

I look at it every year and every year it looks a little different from how it looked the year before.

Bad Omens

By Dennis E. Powell | Mar 15, 2023 at 10:49 PM

“Beware the ides of March.” So said the soothsayer to Julius Caesar. The date was known to Caesar and every Roman because it, today, March 15, was the official day for settling debts. Which I suppose some of Caesar’s colleagues thought they were doing when on that date in 44 B.C. they multifariously perforated him with knives, rendering him dead.

What a Friend We Have in Jesus

By Dennis E. Powell | Mar 08, 2023 at 9:46 PM

We often say, “I love Jesus.” But how often do you hear, how often do you say, “I like Jesus”?

The Vindication of the Obvious

By Dennis E. Powell | Mar 01, 2023 at 6:10 PM

A number of years ago, after having one — in a secular, not religious context — it hit me that the best working definition of an “epiphany” is the instant when the obvious is recognized.

It's All Around Us

By Dennis E. Powell | Feb 15, 2023 at 10:43 PM

There’s a tremendous reward in learning local history. I say this as one who vigorously avoided learning any history of the area where I grew up, in central Missouri. I have great affection for the kind of people who won’t let local historical questions rest. They have to learn the answers to those questions. I have tendencies in that direction, too, though my laziness threshold is high and I’ll go looking only if the questions hold the potential of having really interesting answers.

Living In Our New Surveillance Society

By Dennis E. Powell | Feb 08, 2023 at 11:08 PM
The news this morning was only a little surprising: the famous Cedars-Sinai medical conglomerate and hospital is being sued for selling patient information to Facebook a/k/a Meta, who in turn would sell it to others.
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